The Bee Gees not only defined an era of music, they practically invented it. The Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack defined a generation, making disco king. With Barry Gibb’s undeniable falsetto and Robin and Maurice’s seamless harmonies, the Bee Gees owned the Billboard Charts in the 1970’s spawning nine #1 hits, selling over 220 million records. And when disco became “not cool” the Bee Gees simply wrote #1 hits for other Artists like Barbara Streisand, Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton, Diana Ross, Dionne Warwick and more. Quite simply, the Bee Gees were one of the most influential groups of all-time.
The Brothers Gibb brings you a complete retrospective of their career, beginning in the 60’s from their migration from Australia through the Fever album phase, while touching on the songs they wrote for others, including their brother Andy. So go dig out those bell bottoms and platform shoes from your closet and join The Brothers Gibb for a ride through the history of one of the greatest groups in musical history…The Bee Gees.